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Mirai Nikki Psp Game English Patch

Aug 31, 2020  Also known in English as Future Diary: the 13th Diary Owner. Most are probably familiar with the popular anime series Mirai Nikki/Future Diary which. ALL TVB/ATV Product With English Subtitle/Indonesian Subtitle (80-an Series) DVD - Heaven Sword & Dragon Sabre (To. Mirai Nikki Psp Game English Patch. Future Diary: The 13th Diary Owner is a video game based on the manga for the PlayStation Portable, and introduces Azami Kirisaki as the thirteenth diary owner, owning the 'Video Diary'. The game's plot may or may not be canon. The game was originally released on January 28, 2010, but a re-release with new graphics, artwork and featuring the voice actors from the anime was released on April 26. Warriors Orochi 3 Psp English Patch Iso Waptrick Wwe Raw Game Download Laurona Shotgun Serial Numbers No Valid License For J-flash Found Word Rescue Dos Game Download Tiger Psone Emulator For Android Download Anime Mirai Nikki Sub Indo Episode 2 Metallica Load Full Album Torrent Game Yakyuken Special Psx Iso. Mirai Nikki: 13-ninme no Nikki Shoyuusha is an Adventure game, developed and published by Kadokawa, which was released in Japan in 2010. We Have No FAQs/Guides/Maps - Be the first to submit one!

This page contains the location of all of the collectible Playboy Magazines in Mafia 3.


Our Google-style interactive maps that anyone can add to will point out Playboys, Junction Boxes, Album Covers and much more.
Delray HollowBarclay Mills
Bayou FantomPoint Verdun
French WardDowntown
Frisco FieldsRiver Row

Delray Hollow

There are four Playboys to find in Delray Hollow.

August 1964

The first Playboy you'll find is in your basement room at Sammy's bar. You'll find it on the desk across from your bed. There's also a Vargas Painting nearby as well.

August 1966

This Playboy can be found in the laundromat down the street from Sammy's bar. It's in the manager's office, to the left down the hall past the Employees Only door on the left side of the laundromat.

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November 1967

At the south-west corner of the central island in the Hollow is a small green house, down the street from the bridge leading into the bayou. Inside the house, you'll find this playboy sitting on the desk along the south wall.

May 1964

This playboy can be found at the far end of the bar at the Double Barrel Bar, across from the abandoned amusement park on the south island of the hollow.

Keep in mind that this is a segregated bar (gross!), so entering it will count as trespassing.

Barclay Mills[edit]

There are four Playboys to be found around the Barclay Mills district.

November 1963

On the road leading up the hill from Delray Hollow into Barclay Mills, you can find this issue at the first house you'll pass on your left. The Playboy is on the rear deck of the house.

February 1964

Continuing along the road through the hills from Delray Hollow, you'll come across a small garage next to a home on your right. The Playboy is on a table on the back deck on the house behind the garage.

September 1963

This Playboy is in the shantytown on the north-east side of the district. Coming from the west, down the road from the hills, get off the road at the first house you come to above the shantytown. Directly beneath it is another house - inside you'll find the magazine.

January 1964

Mw2 free download pc multiplayer. This issue is located at the Macheco Shipping Company in the industrial district on the west side of the district. You can collect the magazine from the large warehouse just north of the railroad tracks.

Bayou Fantom

There are five Playboys to find in the marshes of the Bayou.

June 1962

This Playboy is on a small island near the western end of the Bayou. A small cottage and boathouse sit on the island's northern bank - the magazine is inside on a table, along with a few molotovs.

August 1968

One of the bayou's central islands has a large cove in it, marked by a wrecked galleon. Navigate through the rocky waters to find this Playboy in a hut at the center of the island.

June 1968

North-east of the large cove in the center of the bayou is a cluster of fishing huts. Across the water (to the south) from these buildings is a single shack with a dock - here is where you'll find the playboy.

July 1968

In the center of the bayou is a mid-size shantytown that can be accessed by water or land. The Playboy is on the deck of the second-to-last building near the end of the western side of the settlement.

March 1962[edit]

Towards the south-eastern end of the bayou, you'll find a large warehouse next to the railroad tracks.

In the woods behind the compound is a small house - they playboy is inside on a desk.

Point Verdun[edit]

There are seven Playboy magazines in the Point Verdun district

October 1965[edit]

Go to the police station in the east part of Point Verdun. Sneak into it via the open window of the reception booth or by smashing your car through the gates. The magazine is located in the building opposite the gate.

August 1965[edit]

Go to the Marquis' liquor shop in central Point Verdun. Either head through it or around back through the alley and you'll find a garage of sorts with an open door. The magazine is in there.

May 1967[edit]

In the north-west corner of Burke's workshop, you'll find this magazine on a table. Burke's workshop is located in the south-west section of Point Verdun.

August 1967[edit]

For this magazine, head to the location indicated on the map above (north-wester part of Point Verdun) and you'll see a house you can break into. This magazine will be on a table in the house.

November 1965[edit]

Under the freeway on the west end of Point Verdun, there will be a few small houses. Behind one of them is this magazine, as marked on the map.

July 1965[edit]

Head to the centre-north part of Point Verdun to where a church is. Behind the church, there's a magazine on a bench.

French Ward[edit]

The French Ward has four Playboy magazines.

November 1968[edit]

Head to the location indicated on the map image above, located roughly in the middle (though a bit to the west) in the French Ward. On the south-west side of the street, there will be a path that leads behind the buildings. You'll find this magazine under a trellis.

April 1961[edit]

Starting from the east side of the area, as indicated on the map above, head down the ramp so that the buildings are on the left side. Go into them and you'll find this magazine on a desk.

February 1967[edit]

Near the norther-most part of the French Ward, as indicated on the map, you'll find a rather large, nice house. This magazine is in its garage.

February 1962[edit]

Head around back of the large plantation-style home located in the norther part of the French Ward. This magazine is under a sunbed.


There are five Playboy magazines in the downtown area.

November 1966[edit]

This one will require a boat. Head to the narrow bridge at the north-eastern part of downtown. As you move along, heading east, you'll find a waterway on the south side after the bridge. Follow it along until you get to a dock. This magazine will be on the area past the dock.

April 1965[edit]

Head to the Shaker's Bar and Grill in the south-east part of downtown. This magazine is located towards the back in one of the rooms.

June 1967[edit]

In the northern part of downtown, there is a tall statue in a park. You can find this magazine by a tree in the north-east quadrant of the part.

December 1964[edit]

Head down to the pier by the south part of downtown on the western edge. There you'll find a dock and a building on the docks. Go to the building to find this magazine.

January 1967[edit]

Head to the north-west corner of downtown to where you'll find a gas station called BeST OIL. Around back, you can get inside the garage. You'll find this magazine in a room accessible through there.


Frisco Fields[edit]

There are five Playboy magazines in Frisco Fields.

September 1965[edit]

Head to the west corner of Frisco Fields as marked on the map above and you'll find a small community of homes. One of the centre houses has this magazine in it.

October 1968[edit]

This magazine can be found on a terrace as marked by the location on the map above. Go to the top of the terrace to find this magazine.

March 1965[edit]

In the south-east part of Frisco Fields, head to the house in the picture above and then down behind it to a trellis. There will be a magazine under that trellis.

March 1967[edit]

Rather close to the previous magazine, head to the main upper-class housing community in Frisco Fields and to the house indicated in the image above. You'll find this magazine on a table around back.

April 1967[edit]

Head to the north of Frisco Fields and then to the small lip on the north-east part. Head down to the dock house that you'll find there and this magazine will be inside. By the dirty bed. On the dirty floor. By a dirty.rag. Wash your hands after this one.

River Row[edit]

There are seven Playboy magazines located in the River Row district.

May 1963[edit]

Head over to the Baby Bear BBQ (and Beer) in west River Row and then into the back employees only area to find this magazine on a desk.

May 1966[edit]

Mirai Nikki Psp Game English Patch 2017

Head into the alley east of the Big Break sign and then break into the locked door behind the building. You'll find this magazine by a chair.in a corner.

February 1966[edit]

Head into the marked warehouse on the map above that's on the corner of a major intersection of River Row. The magazine will be on the upper loft. Simatic step 7 v5 3 crack download. Cisco ip communicator for mac download.

October 1967[edit]

Head to the south-west part of River Row and you'll find a lower-income neighbourhood. In one of the houses, as shown in the images above, you'll find this magazine on a table.

December 1967[edit]

Near to where you got the previous magazine, head even further south-east until you see a house at the bend of the street. This magazine will be on the porch by some chairs. Mac mini steam.

June 1966[edit]

Head to the Fresh Crab shop in the east part of River Row. You'll find this magazine inside on a table.

July 1966[edit]

On the northern-most part of River Row, there is a building on the east shore with a sign that says 'Bayside Shipping'. Head there and inside and you'll find this magazine on a desk in the south-west corner of the building.


Southdowns has four collectible Playboy magazines.

April 1966[edit]

Head to east Southdowns by the north bridge. On the south-east side of the street from the bridge, you'll see a building with a green door. You can either break into that one or go around back if there are police nearby. There's an identical green door there, too. Break in and go to the roof to find this magazine.

March 1968[edit]

Head to the green house in roughly the north-west of Southdowns, as indicated on the map above. Break in and you'll find this magazine.in the bathroom.

September 1967[edit]

Head to the stadium in Southdowns and you'll find this magazine at the top of the seats on the east side. Voice fx pc.

March 1966[edit]

Head to the north-east side of Southdowns near the train tracks where you'll find a motel call the Pearl Diver. This magazine is inside.


There are five collectible Playboy magazines in the Tickfaw district.

May 1965[edit]

Head to the south-west part of Tickfaw to where there are a few wide silos. Head past them towards the edge of the area and you'll find a small portable with this magazine inside.

August 1962[edit]

Head to the south-east part of Tickfaw to where you'll find an industrial yard. There, as indicated in the images above, you'll find a portable building with a green door. Go inside and you'll find this magazine.

July 1962[edit]

Go to the north-east part of Tickfaw in the industrial area, specifically Port Bourbon. Photoshop free on mac. Soon enough, you'll find a building with a green door. Bust in and go to the roof to find this magazine.

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September 1966[edit]

Head to Shooter's Bar in the north-west part of Tickfaw. Head inside to find this magazine.

July 1967[edit]

Head to the north part of the Tickfall district and go to the trainyard. You'll find this magazine in one of the lookout stations.

More information is coming soon!

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